Changing my Career and how Flatiron made it Possible

Richard Kurwitz
3 min readMay 30, 2021

When I first decided to change my career I was beyond scared. My whole life I had done nothing but manual labor. My first thought was maybe I need to go back to college. I wasn’t too excited about this because I knew it was going to take a long time and cost a lot of money. I knew I wanted to do coding because I had done a couple free courses on and fell in love with it. So I did a little research on the internet and starting looking into coding bootcamps. After a little research FlatIron School became a front runner so I reached out and applied and the rest is history. One of the things that stood out was it was only $15,000. Don’t worry if you don’t have the money up front they have a bunch of different payment plans. The other thing that stood out to me was that you can be done in 6 months. So after some thought I went ahead and pulled the trigger. At fist I was super nervous about if I could actually do this and if I was wasting my money. But shortly after starting I knew that I just made the best decision of my life . They have you in a cohort of about 40 people. There is a cohort lead and they are there to answer any questions you have and help you through the curriculum. The curriculum is hard but you have study groups 3 days a week with your cohort lead . These study groups are the time you go over what you are learning in the curriculum and you are able to ask questions on the things you are confused on. If that isn’t enough you can set a 1 on 1 with your lead to clear up any confusion you have. You are also in a slack channel with your entire cohort so you have the option of asking your cohort if they have the answers you need. FlatIron also has an ask a question section where you can connect with an experienced developer to ask questions on any labs you might be stuck on in the curriculum. This is what I loved so much about FlatIron they give you all the resources you need to succeed. Any question you have there is someone there that’s going to be able to help you. It’s going to be a roller coaster of a ride for sure. One day you will be like “I’ve got this down” and the next you’ll feel completely lost. But if you keep pushing and use the resources they provide for you, you will prevail. It was so rewarding after the first couple projects seeing what I was able to build. Then I finally got to my final project and was able to build an application that I would be proud to show anyone. It’s a battle going through this course but at the end you will be so happy with yourself for making the decision to do this. I would recommend FlatIron School to everyone who wants to my that life changing career move.

